‘Welcome to the juggle. We got fun and games.’ 2020 tests parents’ balancing skills with working, parenting, teaching,and caring for aging parents.
If you’re humming a little “Paradise City” by Guns-n-Roses, you may be thinking 2020 is as far from paradise as you can get. The challenges of parenting and working are significant, but now many parents are also leading the charge of their children’s education on top of already immense responsibility.
With COVID-19 causing many schools to start up again with NTI or “distance learning,” working parents are tasked with what may seem impossible – get their job done, aid in their child’s education and parent. Wow.
At GEA, we recognize this enormous lifestyle shift and are trying to accommodate our working parents. Here are a few ways we hope we’re helping:
- Family resources on our COVID-19 hub
- Virtual visits with an onsite primary care practitioner
- Telephonic or virtual visits with an EAP counselor
- Caring for Aging Parents Group Note: This link should take you to a private Yammer group. Simply request access to join. If the link doesn’t take you to the group, please right click the hyperlinked text, copy then paste the URL into your browser. Yammer is accessible through a GEA email.
- Virtual workouts. Note: This link should take you to the YMCA Yammer page. If it doesn’t, please right click the hyperlinked text, copy then paste the URL into your browser. Yammer is accessible through a GEA email.
- Work from home or flex options available when possible