Take a moment to think about how you treat yourself when you make a mistake or fail to reach a goal.
If you tend to beat yourself up when things go wrong, you (like most people) could use more self-love in your life. A strong sense of self-love can set the stage for better health, relationships, and general wellbeing as well as lower levels of anxiety and depression. Self-love is not being selfish. It is simply putting yourself first and not being too tough on yourself.
For the next 30 days, write down one good thing about yourself every day – silencing that relentless critic and focusing on positive messages. Not only is this good for you, but also for your children and other loved ones. You could even invite them to take the challenge themselves.
WellWithin encourages you to practice some self-love by taking the “I’m Okay” challenge. Try giving a daily compliment to the one who deserves it the most—yourself!