Hey guys: Get your annual physical, then treat yourself
Men take the lead in nine out of the top 10 causes of death in the United States. But it’s possible to beat that bleak statistic by taking care of yourself through exercise, healthy eating, stress management — and seeing your providers.
Though an annual physical may seem unnecessary if you’re feeling good, it is key to ensuring your health and wellbeing, and it’s free of charge.
Given June is Men’s Health Month, now is the perfect time to schedule an annual physical. Lucky for Appliance Park employees, it couldn’t be easier. The Park Well Care Center (PWCC) offers annual physicals, making it convenient to check this important appointment off your 2019 to-do lists.
Although prioritizing health and wellbeing is reason enough to get an annual physical, GEA is offering employees an extra incentive. Complete your annual physical at PWCC and receive a $5 Park Café voucher for use in buildings 1, 3 or 5. Schedule your annual physical at the PWCC by calling 502-452-0777 or via the patient portal at ParkWellCareCenter.com​, then reap the rewards of good health … and free food!