Our employees on the front lines.

Our world continues to be different. With the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a sustained need for social distancing and wearing masks is a must. Shopping for the groceries can feel scary. Visiting a loved one may happen from a car window. Coming to work may still feel risky. This is a time of lingering stress and uncertainty.
First, know your job is valued. Your job is critical to this time in our country. Since Americans spend more time at home, it’s the products we make they are using to stay safe. Refrigerators to keep food and medicine cold. Dishwashers to clean dishes. Washing machines and dryers to wash, dry and sanitize clothes. Our products are now such a part of the American way of life – they’re essential. People depend on our products and really the light shines on production and service techs. You are the heartbeat of our operation.
Second, know your time is valued. The products we build make it easier on our neighbors, friends and our communities to keep some semblance of normalcy during this time.
Third, know your health is valued. Much of the essential work we do cannot be done from home. We’ve implemented a series of preventive measures for employees and contractors at our sites — everything from increased frequency and intensity of cleaning, to ensuring the recommended social distancing guidelines are followed, and temperature screenings when you arrive onsite. Business leaders meet every day, working to identify additional ways to improve on these measures. We’re all learning to adjust to this new normal.
There is no instruction manual for how to feel at a time like this, and we know this causes stress for everyone. Our list of worries right now — like yours we’re sure — is long: from our own children, parents, family, friends, to the safety of you, our colleagues, to those who are very sick, and to the harm that will be caused by the economic fallout across our communities.
Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Don’t hesitate to use the resources available to you. Click on the Employee Resources tab on your site’s WellWithin page or click here for GEA’s COVID-19 Employee Resources.
With appreciation for you,
Your WellWithin Team – Alina Wehby, Michele Clark and Keri Foy