It’s Okay to Talk About It

The stats prove that most of us need to give a voice to mental health.

Close to one billion people are living with a mental disorder. One person dies every 40 seconds by suicide. And now, billions of people around the world have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is having a further impact on mental health.

This year’s World Mental Health Day, October 10, is one for the record books.

Many people are just not feeling themselves and that is okay. This video will provide more info on signs and symptoms to look for whether it’s for yourself or a loved one.

Remember to reach out to a friend or a counselor and talk through your feelings. You wouldn’t avoid the doctor if you broke your leg … right? The same logic applies to your mental health.

ONSITE COUNSELOR (Appliance Park) (now available via virtual visits – telephonic or video)
Stephanie Medley
AP4-100 Medical Center
502-452-0777 to schedule via Patient Portal
*If you have not registered for the Patient Portal, call the Park Well Care Center (PWCC) at 502-452-0777 to receive a registration link.

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