Know Your Why

You’re on the journey of a lifetime — one that can bring you greater wellness, a healthy weight, and even a larger measure of happiness. You might have a weight or wellness goal in mind that you’re aiming for now. Your “why” is the reason (or reasons) you want to reach your goal. By getting healthier or losing a certain amount of weight (your goal) can give you more energy to play with your kids, or to try new adventures (your why).

Your why doesn’t have to be “big”—maybe you just want to be able to easily zip a pair of boots over your calves. The important thing is that it’s powerful for you. Whether you’re a new member, or have been with WW for years, your why can keep you going and feeling inspired, especially when you hit a rough patch on the way.

Why do you want to get healthier and/or lose weight? Most of us can instantly answer how we want our life to change as a WW member. Do you want to be able to shop in any clothing store? Or take up soccer again? Or learn how to put together healthy, delicious meals? Once you’ve figured out what you want to be different, explore what that would be like.

Imagine how that change would affect all aspects of your life: Playing soccer again, for instance, could bring you the pleasure of movement that you remember from, say, your high-school varsity days. You’d gain agility, stamina, a new social circle; and earn lots of FitPoints®!

Go back to your original question: Why do I want to [name your goal here]? Fill out your answer with the details you surfaced in step 2 to create a specific, personal, and positive why. For instance: “I want to be able to play soccer again so I can feel stronger and more agile, and have fun doing something I love.”

What’s your why?

Footnote: this click was taken from WW online Weight Watchers re-imaged. 1 16 19

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