Nine Ways to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

If you’re like most of us, you’ll spend the rest of the month eating one big meal after another.

Office potlucks, family feasts and maybe even a party or two. Everyone likes to indulge, and the holidays gives people the perfect excuse.

You can avoid eating too much whether you have a weight loss goal or are simply trying to keep your waist from expanding. It’s all about being mindful and honest with yourself. Here are nine ideas:

  1. Don’t go hungry. Have a snack before you go to the soiree.
  2. Watch the drinks. Alcoholic drinks and even beverages like eggnog are full of calories.
  3. Drink water. Get a glass of water and keep it with you. The more you drink water, the less you are going to eat.
  4. Choose quality over quantity. We all know that everything on the buffet line isn’t great. Plan to eat something you’ll really relish, like a piece of pumpkin pie or a Christmas cookie – just try to eat half the serving instead of the full piece. Enjoy what you eat with half the calories!
  5. Suggest a potluck. If you are invited to a potluck get-together, bring something healthy that you want to eat.
  6. Use a small plate. Fill up a little plate with all your favorites. This trick allows you to eat the foods you like in moderation.
  7. Eat slowly. Savor and taste your food. Enjoy every bite. It takes 15 to 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain it’s full.
  8. Get physical. Move after dinner. Even low-impact – like playing with the kids or pets – counts.
  9. Be easy on yourself. If you fall off the wagon, don’t worry. Tomorrow is another day.
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