Take Action: Celebrate Positive Thinking Day

And why it’s good for your mind and body.

Train yourself to view the cup as half full and you’ll likely reap some health benefits along the way: from a reduced risk of heart disease, longevity, lowered depression and even a better immunity to the common cold.  

While the bright side shines more readily for some than others, there are tried, true and simple ways to practice positive thinking. On Sunday, Sept. 13, celebrate Positive Thinking Day with these suggestions:

  • Start the day by saying “Today is going to be a good day!” This will set the tone for the next 14 hours.
  • Say some affirmations. These are positive sentences about you or your circumstances that can give you boldness, confidence and self-esteem.
  • Hang around with positive people.
  • Show gratitude for the simple things in life.
  • Read or watch positive, motivational books and movies. We are stoked about The Secret: Dare to Dream movie available on Amazon Prime. For other inspirational movies, here’s a blog post to keep your movie queue on the uplifting side. If you’re more of a bookworm, check out this list of books to learn all about positive thinking.
  • Be kind to someone today.
  • Finally, the easiest thing you can do today and every day is to simply smile.
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