This Summer’s Grand Finale: Family Fun

Celebrate Family Fun Month with one of these ideas.

While the pandemic creates so many challenges, one unique side of sheltering in place is more quality time with your family. With back to school (hopefully) around the corner, give your kids one last hurrah and celebrate Family Fun Month (August) together. 

Here are our top family fun ideas while social distancing:  

  1. Order pizza and watch a movie or enjoy a campfire in the backyard
  2. Go camping, fishing or hiking
  3. Order delivery of your favorite ice cream
  4. Set out on a family bike ride
  5. Schedule a day at the park
  6. Organize a family talent show
  7. Cook their favorite meal together
  8. Host a karaoke night

Use your imagination, spend time together and have fun! Post a picture on our Yammer page using  #FamilyFunMonth to encourage others to join the fun.

Health alert: Kids, COVID-19 and school

Schools are opening up. Here is a short checklist from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prepare parents to send their children back to school.  In addition, here are Kentucky’s Healthy at School policies. 

As your kids transition back to school routines – don’t lose sight of good family routines. Keep one fun experience up even when school’s back in session. 

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