Alef Colon Rodriguez Powered by Positivity
Cycling 150 miles isn’t for the faint of heart. And Alef Colon Rodriguez is all but faint of heart.
Alef, FP&A Manager at GE Appliances in Puerto Rico, began cycling in 2010 and hasn’t looked back.
“It’s funny how cycling can change you,” says Alef.
One recent race affected him deeply. The 150-mile Gravel Locos race in Hico, Texas brought a few surprising lessons.
“I set out and was making progress until my race navigation stopped working,” says Alef. “You can follow other cyclists for a bit, but the technology is important when you’re riding through the middle of nowhere.”
That’s when Alef came across professional cyclist, Laura King, who (unbeknownst to him) was struggling to push through the grueling heat.
Flying solo, she had just left the aid station at mile 55 and was struggling to keep going.
“Lo and behold, I turn around and see someone far off in the distance closing in,” says Laura.
“When he said my name, my heart just lit up!”
They met in 2023—cycling together for three-fourths of the same race and motivating each other the entire time. This year, they needed each other again.
“Alef stayed with me, and I was super happy to have [him],” says Laura. “It brought my spirits up.”
For Alef, it was a two-way street. “I was struggling, and she really helped me,” says Alef. “But I had no idea that I was helping her, too.”
Grueling heat, difficult conditions—situations like that seem to bond people.
“We just got through hell and worked together,” says Laura. What had been a roadblock became an opportunity of connection and motivation. Alef has decided to live his life this way.
“If you’re enjoying the ride, even when things go wrong, you’ll be able to overcome it,” says Alef. “Positivity is contagious.”
Alef’s story demonstrates the theme of WellWithin’s recent KIND30 Challenge: Kindness is needed daily. A simple act of kindness not only helps the other person. It also lowers your stress and blood pressure, as well as improves your mental health.
One kind act often has a ripple effect that leads to more – making the world a happier place. No matter where you are or what you are doing, kindness goes a long way.