Gina Case

Gina Case said ‘yes’ to running the Kentucky Derby Festival mini Marathon 20 years ago, and she’s still running today!

Gina Case isn’t a runner.

At least, that’s what she tells people. But one decision to say yes to a friend defied Gina’s beliefs about what her body could do.

Twenty years ago, Gina’s friend invited her to participate in a triathalon. She had always been active, but she’d never run a mile. Gina didn’t own a bike and didn’t know how to swim. But before she knew it, she’d said yes.

“All I can say is that I didn’t finish last,” says Gina, Automation/OMNI Channel Program Manager at GE Appliances. “And it was actually fun.”

After that, Gina decided to repay the friend by inviting her to run the Kentucky Derby Festival (KDF) mini marathon together. “What better year to start running than the year I turned 40,” says Gina. “I may not be able to go fast, but I can keep going.”

And she did just that.

In 2007, Gina and her husband joined a running group from GE Appliances to raise money for cancer research.

“We didn’t have much in common except running and GE Appliances,” says Gina. “But that was enough. It was a big commitment, but we all said yes.”

Five years in a row, they ran the historic Hood to Coast Relay in Oregon.“Doing it together was inspiring,” says Gina. The team Gina ran with has changed a bit, but is still running today. This year they celebrated $1 million in fundraising for cancer research.

And while life got busy, Gina kept one running commitment sacred. This year marks 20 years of running the KDF mini.

“Year after year, I kept going back to it,” says Gina. “I feel like it’s part of me now. I’m not winning any races. But I am doing it.”

This milestone coincides with another major event. After 38 years at GE Appliances, Gina will retire this summer.

As for her retirement plans?

“Be active,” says Gina. “Get up and go to the gym every day. Play pickleball. Run races in other states.”

For years, Gina had a sign on her desk to remind her to appreciate her strength.“It said, ‘There will come a day when I can no longer do this. Today is not that day,’” says Gina. “I know I have to appreciate my gifts while I have them.” Gina plans to use her body for as long as she is strong.

“Saying yes was the first step,” says Gina. “But I had to say yes all the days after that, too.”

Are you ready to say yes? GE Appliances is sponsoring the Kentucky Derby Festival mini marathon and marathon on April 27, 2024. Join the 2024 GE Appliances Derby Festival Marathon relay team, free of cost. The 26.2-mile course is split into five legs, perfect for those comfortable running 3-7 miles. Enjoy the race atmosphere, receive two shirts, and join runners of all speeds. Help us exceed last year’s 26 teams. Prefer to tackle it all? Use GEA24 to get a 10% discount and come join us

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