Eight Soothing Strategies to Manage Stress

Since stress is a normal part of our existence – it’s important to learn some ways to deal with it.

Since April is National Stress Awareness Month, figure out what stress management tools work best for you:

  1. Keep a journal:  It can help to write things down. Literally get them out of your head and onto paper. Research shows writing down how you feel can help lower stress and relieve anxiety.
  2. Exercise: Physical activity causes your body to produce powerful endorphins, those “feel good” chemicals. These hormones can help you sleep, relax, and lower your stress level.
  3. Talk to your friends: Opening up about your struggles can provide extra social support, clarity on the situation, or even advice from people you trust.
  4. Treat yourself: While junk food may be what we crave to destress, go for healthier alternatives. Fruit such as blueberries or strawberries is an immune-boosting choice, and even chocolate has its health benefits. Maybe even combine the two! Chocolate-covered strawberries anyone?
  5. Meditate: Taking time to breathe and collect your thoughts before a hectic day can help increase one’s energy, stamina and even perspective.
  6. Rest: A good night’s sleep is important for letting go of the day and feeling ready to take on the world again. Short on solid nighttime rest? Refresh and reset with a 20-minute nap – improving your mood and energy levels to keep going with the demands of your day.
  7. Animals: Pet your dog, cat, or any other furry companion. Science shows the unconditional love your pet freely gives helps to destress and has powerful effects on lowering blood pressure.
  8. Bend don’t break: Understand and accept that not everything will go your way all the time. It is important to accept what is and what’s not within your control.
  9. Laugh: It’s true; laughter can be the best medicine! Find your funny – whether it be a sitcom, comedy movie, or that funny friend – and enjoy some good laughs.



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