Since stress is a normal part of our existence – it’s important to learn some ways to deal with it.
Since April is National Stress Awareness Month, figure out what stress management tools work best for you:
- Keep a journal: It can help to write things down. Literally get them out of your head and onto paper. Research shows writing down how you feel can help lower stress and relieve anxiety.
- Exercise: Physical activity causes your body to produce powerful endorphins, those “feel good” chemicals. These hormones can help you sleep, relax, and lower your stress level.
- Talk to your friends: Opening up about your struggles can provide extra social support, clarity on the situation, or even advice from people you trust.
- Treat yourself: While junk food may be what we crave to destress, go for healthier alternatives. Fruit such as blueberries or strawberries is an immune-boosting choice, and even chocolate has its health benefits. Maybe even combine the two! Chocolate-covered strawberries anyone?
- Meditate: Taking time to breathe and collect your thoughts before a hectic day can help increase one’s energy, stamina and even perspective.
- Rest: A good night’s sleep is important for letting go of the day and feeling ready to take on the world again. Short on solid nighttime rest? Refresh and reset with a 20-minute nap – improving your mood and energy levels to keep going with the demands of your day.
- Animals: Pet your dog, cat, or any other furry companion. Science shows the unconditional love your pet freely gives helps to destress and has powerful effects on lowering blood pressure.
- Bend don’t break: Understand and accept that not everything will go your way all the time. It is important to accept what is and what’s not within your control.
- Laugh: It’s true; laughter can be the best medicine! Find your funny – whether it be a sitcom, comedy movie, or that funny friend – and enjoy some good laughs.