When GE Appliances opened its Y @ Work Fitness Center at Appliance Park, it was an important step toward improving employee health and wellbeing. Turns out the next step — encouraging people to show up on a regular basis — was just as important.
Cue the “Be Rewarded” program, which offers employees an opportunity to win prizes for working out at the gym at least eight times per month. In the spirit of strengthening communities, the program also offers The Y @ Work members the option of declining prizes and instead requesting a charitable donation be made on their behalf.
In 2023, a record number of Y @ Work members contributed more than $1,400 to charity. It’s the most that’s been donated through Be Rewarded since its inception in 2020.
“The Be Rewarded program engages members and encourages them with a carrot in front of them to exercise and connect at the Y,” says Erik Mann, director of GE Appliances’ Y @ Work. The “carrot” he’s referring to is high-quality swag such as a wireless phone charger, tote bag or fleece jacket, just to name a few.
“There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking the swag — a nice pullover or jacket — because they’ve earned it,” adds Erik. “But to say, ‘I want to help the community instead’ just says an awful lot about somebody.”
Employees have the option to donate their rewards to a wide range of charitable causes, such as the YMCA’s Safe Place program, which helps teens in crisis: Black Achievers, a college and career readiness program; LIVESTRONG, which empowers adult cancer survivors; or several other programs that strengthen communities by improving lives.
“We are so grateful when employees choose to donate their rewards. When they do that, they are choosing something above them,” says Shannon Keen, assistant director of member experience at The Y @ Work. “It’s a selfless act of kindness and putting the community first.”
“Often our members choose to support a program that they can relate to, so it means something to them,” adds Shannon. “It benefits the member and gives them purpose. Not only are they helping themselves on their health and wellness journey, but they are helping someone they don’t even know. They are changing lives, and that’s what the Y is all about.”
It’s what GE Appliances is all about, too, as evidenced by their world-class WellWithin program. The core value of empowering individuals to strengthen the whole has laid the groundwork for an ideal partnership between GE Appliances and the YMCA.
“We are so much more than just a gym,” says Erik. “That’s part of the reason The Y @ Work is here at GE Appliances. We are committed to strengthening the community. We are making employees healthier and stronger. We’re also helping people help their community, which feels good.”