Studies show that the more inclusive a person is, the better their wellbeing is in eight important areas: coping, happiness, physical health, decision-making, being valued, talking to others, having close relationships and a life of meaning.
Here are some suggestions to foster higher degrees of inclusivity:
- Connect with others. One way you can create inclusivity is if everyone feels like they can speak to you and not be judged. Make an effort to connect with others authentically and at a personal level. Don’t make assumptions about people’s lifestyles, but rather, let them open up to you.
- Be open-minded. Practice putting your assumptions and stereotypes aside. We all have them, but if shared, they can make others feel uncomfortable.
- Support and celebrate differences. Being heard is great; being celebrated is even better. Invite others to share their traditions with you. Doing this is valuable, as you will learn to see things in a new way.
- Rethink how you do meetings. One suggestion is to create a plan or ask for a plan for the meeting to be shared with participants beforehand. This gives everyone more time to think about ideas and suggestions, making sure that everyone feels like they can speak up and contribute to whatever’s being discussed.
- Listen. Others want to feel heard and understood. Not only does listening enhance your ability to understand better and make you a better communicator, but it also makes the experience of speaking to you more enjoyable to other people.