Kinder workplace, kinder world

February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day

The positive effects of kindness are experienced in the brain of everyone who witnessed the act, improving their mood and making them significantly more likely to “pay it forward.” – Jamil Zaki, psychologist and author, “The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World”

Can you imagine a world where kindness is the norm? Everyone can do help make that a reality with even the smallest of gestures. This Friday is Random Acts of Kindness Day and, together, we can show the positive impact kind actions can have on the recipient, the giver and anyone who sees it. How can you spread kindness at work?

  • Offer a smile
  • Compliment someone you see
  • Hold open the door
  • Treat your teammate to a cup of coffee or a snack from the vending machine.
  • Log into the GEA Reward and Recognition tool to send an e-Card to a co-worker to brighten their day

Making kindness a regular part of workplace culture is positive for everyone’s wellbeing. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation created a seven-step plan to help companies cultivate kindness in the workplace. Here’s a peek at the seven steps:

  1. Set the tone. Establish expectations, focusing on gratitude, inclusion, and respect.
  2. Model the behavior. Show your team the kind of respect and acknowledgement you want them to show each other.
  3. Create a Safe and Supportive Environment. Let people know they’re included and encourage them to speak up and share their ideas.
  4. Strengths, Mistakes and Growth Mindset. Look for hidden strengths in team members and encourage growth by allowing mistakes to be learning experiences
  5. Trust, Boundaries and Belonging. Set respectful boundaries and establish trust by avoiding micromanaging.
  6. Communication and Collaboration. Get to know the people you work with to foster positive communication and healthy interdependence that allows for productive collaboration.
  7. Celebration. Celebrate successes regularly. Give team members recognition for wins and show appreciation often.

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