Mental Health Mondays: Good Mood Foods

In this last Mental Health Monday series, Decatur CareATC counselor dishes on how eating the right things can improve your mood and mental health.

Who knew that eating a healthy diet rich in plant foods could lift your mood? If you’ve ever been in a bad mood, Nikama gives a list of foods that can help you feel better.

Every week during Mental Health Matters (MHM) Month, Decatur CareATC Counselor Nikama West hosts a new video on an important mental health topic. This week’s message is about Good Mood Foods.

Watch Mental Health: Myth vs. Truth.

Watch Self-Esteem and Mental Health.

Watch Self-Care and Mental Health.

How is GE Appliances helping with mental health?

  • Working with CareATC and Anthem to offer counseling in person and online
  • Training all managers about trauma
  • Inviting employees to learn more about mental health
  • Offering benefits to help with things like addiction, diabetes, and money education
  • Keeping the conversation about mental health going with our Mental Health Matters series
  • Expanding ON-THE-CLOCK care to include mental health visits

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