Empathy sounds like a soft skill, but done right, it delivers firm business results.

When employees reported their leaders as empathetic, people felt 61% more innovative, and 50% reported their workplace as inclusive compared to 17% of those with less empathic leadership. When they felt respected in their life circumstances, 57% of white women and 62% of women of color were less likely to leave a company.1.
Innovation. Inclusivity. Retention. All business goals and all tied to empathy.
At GE Appliances, we empower employees, leaders or not, to practice empathy and compassion within their teams. Here, HR gives you their experiences and best advice. Teresa Justice, senior HR business partner, and Deana Kelly, associate HR generalist, who both work at our Camden plant share their insights in this Q&A.
- What does empathy/compassion mean in the workplace? Teresa: Taking care of one another and understanding that people are bringing multiple stressors to work. Ask how an employee is doing and what can you do to help.
- What’s a concrete way to show empathy/compassion at work? Deana: If you can, share how you relate to an employee’s experience in life, what it taught you and how you overcame it. Teresa: Listen. Really listen.
- When have you shown an employee empathy/compassion? What was the result? Teresa: I’m proud of Deana and Charlotte Isom, EHS specialist, who helped an employee with family issues. By really listening, they realized the person needed outside guidance. Deana and Charlotte coordinated with the Alpha Behavioral Health Center to get the employee and her family the help they needed.
Deana: Look at co-workers as family and treat everyone the way you want to be treated. I help them like I would help my family.
- How does empathy/compassion result in better morale? Better productivity? When employees know you truly care for them and not just need them for production, it makes a huge difference. They seem to be happier, come to work, and support one another. When they know the company has their back, it earns trust.
If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, depression or lack of focus, GEA has resources to help. One sure way to show empathy is to point one another toward help. EAP is available at no cost to all GEA employees regardless of GEA health plan enrollment status.
Phone: 855-873-4932
Online: AnthemEAP.com | Code: GEAppliances (Roper employees enter code: Roper)
Onsite options:
Appliance Park & The Forum
CareATC Wellness Center
careatc.com/patients to schedule an appointment
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careatc.com/patients to schedule an appointment