Outside October: GE Appliances promotes breast cancer awareness from July to November.
Jeff wears pink every Friday. Nina took part in the Susan G. Komen Walk as a six-year survivor. Y @ Work hosted a Pink Ride cycle class. Hundreds of you decided to get a breast cancer screening or mammogram. The business even put out a message for everyone to wear pink one day during the month! Since July, we’ve been promoting breast cancer awareness at Appliance Park and the buzz is good for prevention.

From screenings, like Bexa, to real employee stories and traditional mammograms, GE Appliances has proved its commitment stretched outside the usual October timeframe for breast cancer awareness.

Completely full: Bexa breast exam popular among employees
All 75 spots were filled when Bexa came onsite to offer a new breast screening option at Appliance Park. The Bexa screening provides a gentler experience compared to traditional mammograms. Three out of four participants had either never had a mammogram or were overdue by over a year. Here’s what a few participants had to say about the experience:
Brenda created such a warm, calm environment. She explained everything she was doing and the technology. As someone who was extremely anxious, she calmed my nerves. Such a painless, great experience.
The exam was very simple and was explained throughout, for instance next steps, what will take place after. Grateful to have this experience.
I am exceptionally pleased with this new technique and being able to do this at work.
Employees say it better
Sharing a personal story that involves breast cancer is much more compelling and vulnerable than stats and screening reminders. Jeff Watts and Nina were brave to share their unique experience with breast cancer and how it now motivates them to promote awareness.
More Than Pink Walk honored survivors, promoted awareness
Nina had a great time at the event that “would have made any Pepto Bismol bottle envious.” Pink ribbons, pink balloons, pink tutus and pink messages of hope celebrated survivors like Nina and honored those we have lost.
Dozens of employees had mammograms on site
Through a partnership between the onsite primary care provider in AP4, CareATC, and Brown Cancer Center dozens of employees had mammograms onsite at Appliance Park. Production employees were able to be screened without having to clock out using ON-THE-CLOCK Care.
The keys to successful cancer treatment are knowing you have it and finding it early. Just because it’s November doesn’t mean breast cancer awareness ends.