With GEA’s return to the office last week, how do you meet the changes to your work life in a way that protects your mental health and empowers you to choose what is best for you?
- Start by recognizing that what you need at this time may be different compared to others.
- Include things that anchor or soothe you – photos, plants, artwork – in your physical workspace.
- Take the gift of grace, humor, and compassion you learned while working from home that revealed an imperfect and sometimes chaotic life back to work.
- Speak up about what you need to support your work and home life. We’ve all changed and learned a lot while working during the pandemic, and you may have new needs and requests.
- Build breaks into your day. A short walk or workout, a podcast or music, eating lunch away from your desk will help with stress.
- If you’re struggling, reach out for support. You do not have to go it alone.
No two of us will navigate the transition back to work alike, but we can be sensitive to and support each other.
Click here to view the March 29, recording of “How to Implement a Practical Self-Care Routine” seminar hosted by CareATC in partnership with The Women’s Network.